Yesterday the enviro leaders went to the Six Extinctions exhibit, and saw skeletons and heaps of cool stuff.
By Connor R.
Yesterday the enviro leaders went to the Six Extinctions exhibit, and saw skeletons and heaps of cool stuff.
By Connor R.
On Thursday we will be making sourdough Christmas trees with someone named Nathalie .
We will use things like dried tomatoes , Rosemary and Rock salt for decorations.
By Madi
We went to camp which was fun.
And we walked from Bark Bay to Anchorage.
We went to Tin Line beach with a Lower Moutere ATYA.
We went to the Halfway Pool.
We went to Marahau, which was fun.
We went to camp and did lots of activities and had lots of fun. We went on a walk, played capture the turkey, and kayaked. Everything was great and fun. We also played key thief and the chocolate game.
By Viggo B.
Camping in Marahau.
This school trip is going to be great, we are going to be doing so many things.
I wish we could camp in tents all the time, but it is more fair if someone else also wants to camp.
Something we are going to be doing at camp is kayaking, making S’mores and hiking.
Marahau is going to be the best camp ever!
I am very excited for this camp and kayaking.
From Viggo W
Class Blog
The plant stall went from $3 to $2 and then $1 and that was pretty good, because it was crowded. Cow pat bingo made $300.
The bouncy castle was $8 and last year it was $7.
At the plant stall most of the plants were sold by lunchtime.
The Treasure Trove was good, because lots of things were 50 cents, 10 cents, and 20 cents and it was very full of people
The cow in Cow Pat Bingo when it got released it basically poops instantly.
The Bouncy Castle were shorter than last year.
There were lots of people even though it was raining.
The hot dogs were free at the end of the day, but only for the Ngatimoti kids.
There was a 3D printed shop where there were 3D printed dragons, spiders and caterpilers, which was good because it was full with people.
By Piko
Māori Games
Last Friday, we competed in the Māori games. We only got to play four out of six games, because it started to rain half way through. Some of the games were new, we only knew four out of six, but we got to learn lots of new things.
The referees were all year sevens and eights learning to help out and understand the games better. They were all really nice and fair and we all really enjoyed it.
Dylan Schimidt
Today Dylan Schmidt will be visiting us.
He is an Olympic trampolinist and he loves Nutella.
He won the first ever medal in trampolining for New Zealand in the Tokyo Olympics.
He is taller than Mrs Milnes.
By Madi
We played tennis with Vanessa. We learnt to hit a rally to a buddy and other teams.
Sake bord is a position in tennis to hit the ball.
By Orianna
This week we have Mr T for three days which is great, but means he is very busy. It also means we can work on my big think, the sports project , and SCIENCE which is very, very fun and it is great!
By Flint
I got an RC car, a mold control one. Tara got one too and we made some jumps.
All four of them worked really well and we also started to race. They go really fast. I'm pretty sure they go 30 km/h, which really is fast, it has a speed dial. I made one by myself. It has one of Dad’s Bee keeping things you put in the boxes and I made a jump out of one of them and gravel. Tara won the first race and Iwon the rest of them. We have played three.
By Quinn
Class Blog
Mr T came on Monday. We started a project called “My big think project.”
We also learnt some science where you put ice and salt in a tin can and it formed condensation and frost!
By Connor
El Grego came to school and did magic like the hat trick. He had a talking parrot. It was so fun.
By Orianna.
We have just come back to school and are excited to hear that we have a visitor coming next week! So many of us hope that she has an awesome time here at our school.
This week we have been doing lots of interesting things to do with fire. Everyone is having fun watching the news presentations.
By Viggo B.
Yesterday we had Mr. Fitz. It was awesome. We played basketball and learnt about probability.
Then we did gymnastics and went home.
By Rua
Class Blog
This week we did Enviro Rotations! Blue house made stone soup and everyone had lots of fun. Our wonderful Enviro Leaders and Mrs Reid, Mr Hepburn, Mrs Milnes, and Mrs Roberts were leading these events, and they did a great job!
The Book Quiz is coming up soon and the team is Flint, Alex, Stella. B, Orrin, and Quinn as a sub.
By Malcolm
Class Blog
Today, 23rd May 2024, we are getting ready to head down to Ed Steven’s to see and do the cross-country course. I can’t do it ‘cause I’m sick, but I wish good luck to the people that are doing it.
Room 4 has eaten early and played after, so we don’t get the stitch or anything. Good luck to the people that get to Rabbit Island!
By Ella Quinlivan
Today we had Lara. She was a storyteller. She told a different, better version of Maui and the secret of fire. It was very nice having her. We were very lucky, because the next week we got Mr B. He did planes with us. The planes had strings attached so we could fly them. I flew mine but it kept on crash landing!
By Rafael
On Friday Mr B came in for Rm 4’s class treat.
We made planes, it was so much fun.
Mr B made the planes when he was a kid with his brothers.
He taught us about centrifugal force and how planes need to be streamlined to fly fast and lift up off the ground.
By Bella
Last week We had Mrs Quiggin, Dug and Mr B.
With Dug we made really cool creative lego creations and it was super fun.
Then on Friday We had Mr B we Made really cool planes that we could fly above our heads. It was great Mr B showed us his mini bike he had made recently. It had forks that were made of wood that looked like this: for the front, back and the frame it had disc brakes for the wheels and it was awesome.
By Pedro
We had Mary from St. Johns for Weaving Well Being. It was really fun, because we learnt
a lot.
By Maggie
Rose Northy
Rose Northy came and we made a monster with eighty five eyes, a wrinkled neck, bunny ears and much more.
She shared some really funny poems. I found out some really cool stuff about Rose Northy, like she did a lot of stuff, like how to be and artist and a lot of other things like doing an engineering degree.
By Quinn
Last week we took assembly
on Friday. We ran the meeting.
We shared lots of facts about the ocean.
By Manu
Class blog.
This week on Thursday our school has a Triathlon.
The competitive race, only if you choose:
Room 3,4,and 5 all race together for 1st, 2nd and 3rd,
It will be handicapped; the little ones will go first. There will be no teams.
The Tryathlon, ( just give it a try)
You can do it all by yourself or you can do it in a team.
Class race ( have fun go when your ready)
Can be in a team.
The house group race. ( two teams per house. One person runs next to a biker, who tags two people doing the three legged race, who tag the swimmers. The bigger one piggybacks the smaller one, then they get out and slide down the slide together and finish.
Have fun!
By Pedro.
Last week Ritchard de Hamel came over to school and showed us some cool fish hooks he made out of cow bone.He showed us a drill that māori used. Also he taught us what the maori used to make a fire.Lastly Ritchard told us a maori story.It was awesome!
\by Ardy!!!!!.
Last week Mr B came over and he told us lots of cool things, like how to make boats out of flax craddies. Also he told us about where he gets his cool stuff like hockey sticks, metal and lots of other stuff.
Then at the end of the day we got to take our boats home.
By Rua
Mr B came to school for a day last Friday and it was so much fun!
He taught us about boats and we made waka.
He taught a new pool game like spring tag.
We played guess the mask.
He taught us how to find pounamu too.
By Orianna