
Monday, October 14, 2019

Chapter Chat

CC20 - Y5/6 - W1: Tasks & Questions
W1 - Page 1-51
TASKS - Choose from the following:
1. ART - Draw a picture of GHOST. Or draw a picture of Lu in his fly running gear.
2. DESIGN a team flag for the Defenders track team. Or make Coach Brody’s business card.
3. ICT - Research world records and create a poster, slideshow, Kahoot or video with some of the most interesting world records that you find.
4. WRITING - Pretend you are Ghost and write an apology letter to Brandon. Or Create Ghost’s Rap Sheet (File). Make sure you explain each entry on the list.
5. HANDS-ON - Practice doing high knees and jumping jacks in your class. Then have a class running race. Record your time and see if you can run 100m in 9.58 seconds. (World Record) Video it.
1. Can you please share any tasks that you have completed this week. Try and leave a reply on someone else's creation.
2. Who is Mr Charles? What is his relationship with Ghost? Is he a good influence? Explain.
3. What memory is triggered about Ghost’s dad from the sunflower seeds? How does Ghost feel about his dad?
4. Initially, what sport is Ghost interested in playing? Why isn’t he interested in track? What made him want to race Lu?
5. How did Ghost get his nickname? If you could choose your own nickname what would it be? Explain?
6. Why did coach Brody want Ghost on the defender’s track team? How did he achieve this? How did Ghost feel about it?
7. Why does Ghost get weird when anyone asks him about where he lives? What do you think Ghost means when he says, “I got a lot of scream inside”?
8. What caused Ghost to finally snap? What could he have done instead? What would you have done?
9. How did Ghost pretending Coach Brody was his uncle put coach in a difficult situation? What would you have done if you were coach Brody?
10. What do you think Ghost means when he tells Coach, “I guess the only other person I’m really scared of is me”?What do you think is going to happen next?

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