
Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Chapter Chat Ghost Chapter 6

TASKS - Choose from the following:
1. ART - Draw a picture of coach Brody.
2. DESIGN - Create the ‘Shoplifter’ poster of Ghost in the store window.
3. ICT - On FLIPGRID answer this question: What do you think of Ghost? Why do you think he keeps getting into trouble? PASSWORD - ChapterChat
OR Pick a scene in the story so far and create it on the puppet pals app.
OR on Minecraft create the Motivation Mobile (Coach Brody’s Taxi).
4. WRITING - Write a poem (Acrostic, diamante, 5 senses....) about Ghost or one of the other characters in the story.
5. HANDS-ON - In small groups complete a class trust fall.
1. Can you please share any tasks that you have completed this week. Try and leave a reply on someone else's creation.
2. How does Ghost earn his teammates respect at training? What do you think are the key elements to be a successful runner?
3. Do you think that coach suspects that Ghost stole the shoes? How do you think Ghost is feeling about stealing the shoes?
4. Ghost mentions Karma. What is it? What was the karma that he experienced?
5. Why does Coach want to take all the newbies to dinner the first Friday after practice starts? Do you think Coach Brody is a good coach?
6. What was the differences between Ghost’s neighbourhood Glass Manor and Sunny’s neighbourhood on the other side of town? What’s the neighbourhood where you live like?
7. At the newbie dinner they all reveal secrets about themselves. How does this dinner impact their relationships with one another? Why is trust so important in relationships? How can you build trust with others?
8. What are all the track team’s backgrounds like? Have you any secrets you can share? Have you overcome any difficulties in your life?
9. Chapter 8 ends with Ghost saying it felt good to feel like one of the team. Why are teams important? Are you part of a team? What’s it like?
10. Are you enjoying the story? What do you think is going to happen next?

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