
Thursday, April 25, 2019

Chapter Chat Fish In A Tree

CC17 FISH IN A TREE - Y5/6, W1: Tasks & Questions
W1: Pages 1-38 (Chapters 1-7)
TASKS - Choose from the following...
1. Draw a picture of Ally. What do you think she looks like?
2. Make your own 'Sketchbook of Impossible Things' book. Draw some crazy pictures that Alley draws (A fish with a snorkel, dinosaur holding a coffee cup.....).
3. Create the card that Ally gave for Mrs Hall's baby shower.
4. Experience what it would be like to have dyslexia at:…/misundersto…/experiences/readexp1b.html
5. RESEARCH - Ally's attitude at the start of the book is very negative. Research GROWTH MINDSET and make some Growth Mindset Posters to display in your school.
6. HANDS-ON - Act out the scene where Ally is tied up on the train tracks.
7. WRITING - Pretend you are Ally and write one page describing yourself for your teacher. What can you tell them that will help them understand you?
8. VOCABULARY - Find the meanings of the following words: Sympathy, churns, coincidence, exasperated, humiliated and trudge.
9. FLIPGRID - What do you think of Ally? Why do you think she behaves the way she does? Add your thoughts to this FLIPGRID: PASSWORD - ChapterChat
10. MINECRAFT - Pretend that Travis has opened his own business called 'Nickerson Restoration'. Create it in Minecraft.
SLOW CHAT QUESTION (Posted 9am Monday)
* Look closely at the cover and predict what the story might be about based on the title, images, and colours. When might someone feel as if he or she is a fish in a tree? Have you ever felt this way?
1. Can you please share any tasks that you have completed this week. Try and leave a reply on someone else's creation.
2. Why was Ally in trouble for giving Mrs. Hall a sympathy card? Explain how it happened and why it was a mistake?
3. Ally says, “I wish I had my Sketchbook of Impossible Things. It’s the only thing that makes me feel like I’m not a waste of space.” Why does Ally feel like a waste of space? What are Ally’s strengths?
4. “Me avoiding consequences would be like the rain avoiding the sky." What does this mean and how does it relate to Ally’s experiences in school?
5. What was Ally's favourite book? Why?
6. Grandpa and Dad would ask Travis and Ally if they were having a silver dollar day or a wooden nickel day. What is the difference between these types of days? Describe a silver dollar day for you. Describe a wooden
nickel day for you.
7. Travis told Ally to not have low expectations of herself. Do you think you have low or high expectations for yourself? Give an example of some high expectations to have.
8. Ally sees herself tied up and lying on imaginary train tracks, watching the engine coming around the corner. Describe a time when you felt the same way, dreading something that was about to happen.
9. What lay at the root of Ally's problems at school? Why do you think she refused to share this with anyone?
10. Are you enjoying the story? What do you think will happen next?

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