
Monday, May 20, 2019

CC17 FISH IN A TREE - Y5/6, W3: Tasks & Questions
W3: Pages 82-118 (Chapter 15-21)
TASKS - Choose from the following...
1. Draw a picture of the Pork Chop cat, OR draw Travis's green car, OR draw one of the butterflies from Shay's birthday party.
2. Talk about similes in class and then make a list of all the similes in the story so far. Pick one and illustrate it.
3. Make an invitation to Shay's birthday party.
4. Make a KAHOOT about the story. Come up with at least 20 questions.
5. RESEARCH - Research Dyslexia. Present your findings anyway you want.
6. HANDS-ON - Design a T-shirt that illustrates something important to you. Just like Albert's FLINT shirt.
7. WRITING - Write a letter to Ally giving her advice on how she can get through school.
8. VOCABULARY - Find the meanings of the following words: Carburetor, logical, adhere, illogical, hypothesised and invertebrates.
9. FLIPGRID - Ally may not be a very good reader, but she is very talented at other things. What are some of her talents? Now describe a talent that you have that other people may not know about. Add your thoughts to this FLIPGRID: PASSWORD - ChapterChat
10. MINECRAFT - Create the USS Enterprise from Star Trek.
SLOW CHAT QUESTION (Posted 9am Monday)
* What makes Mr Daniels a great teacher? Who is your favourite teacher and why do you like them?
1. Can you please share any tasks that you have completed this week. Try and leave a reply on someone else's creation.
2. Ally compares her being called a “slow reader” to people thinking she is like “a can of soup, and they can just read the list of ingredients and know everything about me.” How do we label each other? Do you think labelling is a good thing? How do you label yourself?
3. What does Ally do to get out of the assignment about writing stories? Have you ever lied to get out of something? Explain.
4. Why does Albert wear the Flint shirt every day?
5. Why does Albert frequently have bruises? Why doesn’t Albert fight back with the boys after school?
6. Ally shares a story about Shay holding a grudge. What is a grudge? Do you think people should forgive others? Why?
7. What does Ally say is the difference between an older brother and a big brother? If you have older siblings, do you consider them older brothers/sisters or big brothers/sisters?
8. Ally’s mom insisted that Ally attend Shay’s birthday party. Why? Have you ever gone to a party you didn’t really want to attend? Why did you go to the party?
9. What do you think Ally was going to wish for when she grabbed the butterfly? What would you wish for?
10. What do you think is going to happen next in the story?

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